That is the question that circled on the internet, but for me what is the point of watching that vampire based tv series? what is the difference with between twilight and vampire diaries? until the day that I see the kissing scene part of Elena and Stefan how about Damon is there any chance for him to score Elena? that is the question of why I still want to watch The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 3 online to see more fling from the cast but the funny thing here is that how about The Vampire Diaries vs Blade? how about that? what do you think who's gonna win in this battle? For me is the vampire race because they are many, imagine, Bella, Edward, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Jacob, vs Blade and the unfortunate event here is that Blade is on jail because of tax evasion case. LOL

So the winner is The Vampire Diaries, and the prize is Elena, for me? with date with her? that is ridiculous since I have my Ashley Benson and she will get jealous if I will let Elena touch my lips. Just a fantasy here. Maybe this is the result of waiting till September 29, 2011 and then fix out more thoughts and bring it on and share using this blog. Luckily for I am I have my own space on world wide web I can share whatever point I can do just to convince everyone that I'm a good writer but not a good biter and not deserve to marry a Vampire but anyway I will write again tomorrow to my Diary. The problem is that I can find any diary on the real story and I can't understand I hope you can handle me here and together let's watch this online for free.
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