
I want to give you a short review f the walkthrough, on the last part of the game, this walkthrough will not really work unless you are sneaky enough to defeat the boss Kenny for there are no tips that this walkthrough can give you but to have an good evading skills an be alert on the dark power that Kenny has. Not to make this post longer, here is the third and final installment of the walkthrough of the game Obscure 2: The Aftermath.
Chapter 21 - A Desk Perched High
== Faculty Room ==
Take the --LEAFMORE NEWSPAPER-- from the middle of the floor and the --9MM
PISTOL AMMO-- from the right cabinet in the back. Go through the doorway and a
Super Lurker will bust through the wall. Defeat him then save your game at the
--SAVE FLOWER-- on the nearby wall. There is an --ENERGY DRINK-- on the floor
next to the left side of the cabinets. Drop down the side of the wall that the
Super Lurker broke down. Be sure to save before dropping down since you can't
go back up!
== Lab ==
Three Flyers will attack so be sure to equip your secondary character with the
stun gun. Take the --DYNAMITE-- from off the shelf opposite the side that the
characters dropped from. Equip the Dynamite then face the damaged wall on the
other side of the room and then toss the dynamite at the wall to the destroy
it. Make sure to keep your secondary character behind your main character to
keep that character from getting hit by the explosion.
== Hallway ==
Run out into the hall beyond the broken wall. Three Lurkers will move down the
opposite end of the hall so shoot at them with the flare gun and the stun gun
then switch to a melee weapon when only a few remain. Have Stan pick the lock
on the row of lockers near the excavator to receive a --FLASHBANG GRENADE--.
This is the most frustrating lock to pick in the game, so don't worry too much
about it if you can't get it.
Run to the side of the excavator to find that it does not have any fuel.
Switch to Shannon then use her breathe in command to remove the dark aura from
the last door on the right at the end of the hall. Take the
--CROSSBOW ARROWS-- from off to the left near the door at the end of the hall.
Break the glass then open the door that was blocked by black aura.
== Classroom ==
Take the --SHOTGUN AMMUNITION-- from one of the desks off to the left. The
item box for this area is lying near the desks. Use the small keys to open the
box and get the ++MINI SMG++. Use the cutting pliers to cut the lock on the
cabinet in the back of the room then collect the ++JERRYCAN FULL OF GASOLINE++
from inside. Exit the room.
== Hallway ==
Walk back over to the excavator and use the can of gasoline on it while
standing next to the side of it to activate it. Use the excavator and move the
arm all the way up using the left and right analog then move the arm through
the hole in the wall to get a "Let go" command. Drop the wrecking ball that is
in the shovel portion of the excavator in order to drop it outside. This drops
it next to the crane outside. Run to the other end of the hall then use a
melee weapon to break the chairs in front of the exit doors at that end then
step back out into the courtyard.
== Courtyard ==
Open the gate door that used to have a padlock on it once again - it's to the
characters' left. Place Corey and Stan in your party for the portion coming
up. Make sure that Shannon is at full health before leaving - this will help
out greatly after while. Charge your battery all the way before leaving also.
The battery charger is on the other side of the walkway across from the door
that you need to go through.
== Construction Area 2 ==
Run over to the crane and pick up the wrecking ball with it then use the
wrecking ball to destroy the weak wall to the right side of the crane. Enter
the area beyond the weak wall.
Chapter 22 - Depths of Leafmore
== Damaged Room ==
Drop down to the area below then collect --JEDIDIAH'S LETTER-- and the --FIRST
AID KIT--. Walk toward the wall on the left at the end then face the right
side and, with Cory, jump up to the area above. Lift your secondary character
then grab the --SHOTGUN AMMUNITION--. Use the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the left
wall. Before saving, equip your main character with the shotgun and chainsaw
then equip your secondary character with the Mini SMG and whatever other
powerful projectile weapons you have.
Switch to Stan and pick the lock on the door. Be sure to save before picking
the lock. Begin picking the lock when you're ready in order to trigger a
Boss - Jedidiah and Friedman
Chainsaw Slice: Jedidiah slices your character with his chainsaw.
Plant Arm Smash: Friedman smashes one of the sides of the area with his plant
Plant Arm Slap: Friedman whips one of his plant arms across one of the sides of
the area.
Plant Arm Grapple: While too close to Friedman, he will grapple your character
with his smaller tentacles. Tap the X button to break free.
The battle will start with Jedidiah lurching toward your characters. Don't
hold back anything, blast the hell out of him with your Shotgun and equip your
secondary character with the Mini SMG. Flashbang Grenades work incredibly well
also - nearly one hit! You'll need to heal often in this fight since Jedidiah
will switch between characters when hitting them with his chainsaw. Don't stay
on the side with your secondary character or Jedidiah will be able to hit both
with one strike - split up!
Jedidiah will eventually run toward Friedman (the plant) once he has sustained
enough damage and Friedman will wrap Jedidiah up in his bottom tentacles to
protect him. Once Friedman wraps Jedidiah up run toward Friedman and begin to
target the stalk of the plant (where Jedidiah is) and shoot at it with whatever
powerful weapons you have.
Friedman will perform an overhead smash followed by an arm slap with his
tentacles. These attacks are hard to avoid but you can sometimes step to one
side of the room to avoid them. The best way to stop him is to pour on
constant damage with your projectile weapons. Go all out on this battle and do
not hold back anything, nothing at all.
Eventually one of Friedman's plant arms will hit the ground. Run over to the
plant arm and equip the chainsaw then slice the plant arm off by holding L1
then holding R1 while standing near it. The battle will repeat in the same
manner. Fight off Jedidiah then fight Friedman then saw off a plant arm.
There is a battery charger near the door that the characters stepped through to
enter this area if you need to recharge the battery to use the chainsaw. Once
three arms have been sawed off then a button tap sequence will appear after the
cutscene that plays afterward.
* Make sure that Stan is at full health before the third plant arm is sawed
off. I don't care if you have to use a first aid kit to heal his quarter inch
flashing piece on his life bar, heal him fully.
Be sure to tap the X button quickly as Corey struggles in a chainsaw battle
with Jedidiah. Fail this portion and the whole battle must be repeated once
again! I find it easier to tap the X button with my right index finger instead
of my thumb.
Once Stan and Corey have finished the duo, a cutscene will play followed by the
credits. There is still plenty more gameplay left though, so don't turn off
the system. Watch the credits until the end.
Chapter 23 - Return to the Brotherhood
== STREET ==
Playable Characters: Stan and Shannon
Stan and Shannon will automatically pick up the ++MEDALLION++ after the
cutscene that plays following the credits. You will find that every piece of
inventory that you had is now gone. If Stan or Shannon were damaged prior to
this point then they will still carry that same amount of health - this is why
I kept hinting that you heal them.
Move down the tunnel up ahead and find the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the nearby wall.
I would encourage you to make an extra save for this game since you start from
scratch and if your characters are damaged any, you may want to think about
going through that last battle again.
Corey will contact the group by radio as they approach the end of the tunnel.
Walk out of the tunnel after the cutscene then find the path off to the right
(through the forest) as the two Super Lurkers begin to approach and run to the
right then follow the path. There is no choice but running here. You might
get hit a few times but if you move quick enough then you won't suffer too much
damage. The Lurker down the forest path is likely to knock down your main
character at least once. Reload your game if your characters are near death.
Follow the path to the very end to enter the next area.
== In Front of the Brotherhood ==
Walk over to the ambulance across from the entrance doors to the building and
collect the --ENERGY DRINK-- and the --FIRST AID KIT--. Enter the building to
the side via the front doors.
== Front Lobby ==
Professor James can be heard over the radio at this point. He plans a meeting
point at Fallcreek Stadium with another group.
The only door that is not locked is the door to the right, so enter that room.
== Party Room ==
This area can be very dangerous with the Berzerker in here. Try to make him
attack then run away just a bit to avoid the attack then quickly run by him
while he recovers. He's likely to hit your partner here. Open the door
through the damaged wall on the other side.
== Kitchen ==
Pick the lock on the door off to the characters' right as you step into this
room then open the door. This next room can get aggravating so you may want to
heal if one of your characters is badly damaged.
== Auditorium ==
Several Spiders and a Spider Licker will attack in this area... and both of
your characters are still weaponless... So quickly run to the left after
entering and push up against the wall then move past the locked door with the
light above and watch for a "Climb Up" command as your character runs past the
corner and moves up against the debris to the left. This is the same portion
that Kenny and Corey climbed down near the beginning of the game. If you go
quick enough then your partner will join up with you soon, but just go ahead
and open the door at the top to enter the next area in an effort to minimize
damage as much as possible.
== Outside Entrance ==
Follow the walkway then run down the stairs and approach the other side of the
room at the bottom. Walk up to the dead body and take the ++MEDALLION++, --
BAT-- and --FLARE GUN--. Equip the Bat to your main character and the Flare
Gun to your secondary character.
Big Door Puzzle
Approach the big set of double doors in the middle of the room. Place both
medallions on the circular engravings on the side of the door.
Examine each engraving and you will find two medallions that can be turned (one
inner, one outer). Basically, you have to position the symbols in the same
pattern as the carving on the wall to the left of the door "/\ O L". (The L is
upside down on the carving).
--> For the left medallion, take control of the outer medallion and position
the symbols on the left as follows:
L O /\
(Note: In the actual game, the "L" is lying on its side, the "O" has an 'I' in
the middle of it, and the "/\" is turned on its side. The "L" on the left is
already in place so just rotate the medallion so that the O and /\ match up.)
Once the pattern of three symbols on the left match up like the above
description, rotate the /\ and L in the inner medallion so that the "L" is
completely upside down. If all of them match perfectly then an "OK" command
will appear on the bottom of the screen. Press X to accept the positioning.
--> For the right medallion, position the outer medallion so that the symbols
appear as follows on the left side of it:
/\ O L
(Note: In the actual game, the "/\" is on its side, the "O" has an 'I' in the
middle of it and the "L" is lying on its side. The /\ is already placed on the
left side so just line up the O and L by rotating the outer medallion)
Once the symbols above all match up, rotate the inner medallion so that the /\
is standing up properly.
Once both medallions are in their proper place the door will open and the
characters will step through the door.
== Courtyard ==
Take control of Shannon then move up ahead and use her "Breathe in" command to
remove the black aura from the path up ahead. Two Lurkers will attack further
ahead, so attack them with the bat and the flare gun. Sadly, you can't make
use of their hearts anymore. Take the ++DISK WITH A SYMBOL++ from the
engraving on the other side of the area. Turn directly around after grabbing
the disk to see a shiny object off to the left near the latticework. Walk over
to the object and collect --SMALL KEY 1-- from the ground. Open the double
doors up ahead.
Chapter 24 - The Enthroning Room
== Enthroning Room ==
Save your game at the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the wall to the left. Run up the
staircase off to the left and collect --SMALL KEY 2-- from near the window in
the center of the staircase. Run back down the stairs since there is nothing
that can be done on the second floor at the moment. Walk to the far right side
of this big room and pick up --SMALL KEY 3-- from the pedestal against the
wall. This room has several pillars with numbers on them and a panel to the
left of the big door that requires a code to be entered but you first need the
other disk.
Open the door across from the door that the characters used to enter this room.
== Display Room ==
Examine one of the stuffed creatures on the display and the characters will
mention that these are the same type of monsters that they fought at Leafmore a
few years back. Turn to the left after stepping into the room and collect the
BROTHERHOOD-- from the paper display. You'll notice the item box for this area
further ahead. Go ahead and place the small keys into the slots on it. If you
have opened all the item boxes up to this point then you will get a cutscene
that shows the fate of a fellow member of Leafmore from the first game
(Ashley). If you haven't opened them all up to this point then you will
receive some other item.
Note: If you walk around the LEFT side of the display, you can avoid triggering
an enemy fight in this room. Just stay away from the side of the display
across from the first aid kit.
Walk around the left of the main display then break the glass on the set of
shelves with the shiny object then take the ++DISK WITH A SYMBOL++ off the
shelf. There is a --FIRST AID KIT-- in the dark corner near the end of the
room. If you don't walk around the right side of the display then you will
avoid the fight with the two Lurkers and Spiders in this room. Exit the room.
== Enthroning Room ==
Run up either staircase to the side to find three stands for disks on the top
floor. Walk over to the two stands without a disk and place the disks with a
symbol on each of them - the disk with the /\ goes on the left stand and disk
with the O goes on the middle stand. Move over to the left disk with the /\ on
it and press the X button to rotate it.
If you rotate the disks really fast on each stand then the corresponding symbol
will appear between the pillars below. Pay attention to the red stone on the
back of each disk and the position that the red stone is in.
/\ O L
--------- --------- ---------
| X O X | | X X X | | O X X |
| | | | | |
| X X | | O X | | X X |
| | | | | |
| X X X | | X X X | | X X X |
--------- --------- ---------
Each disk will pinpoint a certain pillar on the floor below. Return to the
first floor and run over to each pillar as shown above to get the correct
number for each symbol.
/\ = _?_
O = _?_
L = _?_
The correct code will differ since the numbers that appear on the pillar will
be random per playthrough.
Walk over to the panel to the left of the big double doors and turn each dial
to match up with the following (substitute your numbers in for the "___"):
/\ = ___
O = ___
L = ___
Open the double doors to continue.
== Library ==
Walk toward the desk off to the left up ahead and collect the --ENERGY DRINK--
from it. Move just a bit further then turn to the right and find the item up
high on the bookcase to the right. Walk over to it and use the "Give a boost"
command to collect the --FIRST AID KIT-- from the high shelf. Examine the book
on the pedestal in the back of the room to trigger a few words from both
characters. Destroy the chairs then open the nearby door to continue.
== Trail to Fallcreek Stadium ==
Follow the path then take the --DUFFEL BAG FULL OF ITEMS-- from the dead body
along the path. The duffel bag contains:
First Aid Kit x 5
Golf Club x 1
Spiked Club x 1
Hockey Stick x 1
Handgun x 1 (50 ammo)
Flashball x 1 (10 ammo)
Crossbow x 1 (2 ammo)
Shotgun x 1 (30 ammo)
SMG x 1 (120 ammo)
Dynamite x 1 (2 ammo)
Wow, someone was really determined to kill something here, weren't they? Equip
your secondary character with tons of firearms. I like to keep the shotgun on
my main character. Also, you may want to equip your main character with the
dynamite since it needs more precise aiming compared to the other weapons.
Follow the trail all the way to the end then open the double doors at the end
of the path. Don't worry there are no monsters along the trail.
Chapter 25 - The Stadium
== In Front of Fallcreek Stadium ==
There is a nearby battery charger in this area but you will only find use for
it if you skipped an item box earlier and happened to have gotten the stun gun
or uber flashlight from the last item box.
Use the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the right wall then enter the stadium by walking
past the damaged gate. Make sure to save!
== Fallcreek Stadium ==
A cutscene will play as the characters enter this area.
Best. FMV. Ever.
Why not sooner, Corey!?
Boss - Kenny
Black Aura Rapid Spray - Kenny lifts his tail into the air and fires out
several black aura projectiles in a row.
Black Aura Rapid Spray (Air) - Kenny jumps and clings onto some poles above the
stadium floor then fires several black aura projectiles from his tail. Kenny
will ALWAYS move to the other side of the stadium after this move, so don't
stand in front of him or he will trample your characters.
Tail Ground Pound -Kenny lifts his tail above him then pounds the ground in
front of him with it.
Tail Swipe - Kenny slaps the area in front of him with his tail.
Kenny hasn't changed much but his attacks are more devastating this time
around. Dodge his rapid black aura spray as he shoots it by running to the
side. He will release black projectiles several times in a row this time so
make sure to wait until he is completely finished before firing. It is really
best to let your secondary do most of the blasting this time since Kenny will
be aiming for your main character but you can still add in a few shots every
now and then or maybe throw some dynamite at him. Dynamite will stun him
instantly - if he is stuck in an attack as the Dynamite hits him then he will
fall after the attack is performed.
Once he is stunned, your characters will have to run over to one of four
switches found around the area. One switch is fully open, one switch is
covered (Kenny must knock the cover aside [I think he does this automatically
when he moves the first time]), one switch has black aura surrounding it (which
Shannon will have to use "Breathe in" on) and one switch has a lock on it
(which Stan will have to lock pick - this one is fairly easy). All of the
switch pulling AND unlocking is done in real time so be sure to hurry before
Kenny recovers. The switches that require a black aura removal and a lock pick
will most likely have to be done in two turns since it is hard to perform both
the unlocking and switch pulling in one turn but if Kenny allows you to then go
for it. He takes quite a while to recover at time and even when he stands he
will sometimes not instantly attack. You can still pull the switch while he
actively attacks also. Each switch will loosen the stadium lights a bit.
Stay away from the area directly in front of him when he lifts his tail to
avoid the ground pound. Don't get close to him and he won't perform his tail
slap as often - this will most likely hit your secondary character at times.
Whenever he clings onto some high poles run from side to side to dodge his
black aura projectiles just like the ground version and stay away from the
middle since he will always rush to opposite side after performing that attack.
One of the most important techniques that you need to learn during this battle
is to heal while your main character is running. Just hold the left analog one
way, press and hold the L2 button to pull up the inventory, then quickly heal
your main character or secondary character.
Once the stadium lights fall on Kenny then he will finally die as the ending
cutscene activates. Yes, they finally killed Kenny! Those bastards.
Watch the ending credits once again with a new tune. The game is now over, no
"new game+", no unlockable outfits, no unlockable mutated Kenny or super secret
hidden character Akuma, nothing...
And now, Done! there is your set of walkthrough for the game Obscure 2: The Aftermath which was one of the games that i have enjoyed. I hope that the people who are still playing this game will be given hints and ideas by the use of this walkthrough that i have provided as well as the other first and second installments of the walkthrough.
Return to Cheats S30SCI Movie for more game and movie updates, news as well as walkthroughts and cheats.
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