
I have been introduced in my recent post the story line and as well give you a short preview of the Game ObsCure 2: The Aftermath. Now in the goal of giving you of cheats on such games like I did previously where I gave you some of the ObsCure Weapon Cheats and Hints, now I am giving you of some of the part of the walkthrough of the game Obscure 2: The Aftermath. On this time, I am being more detailed for I have played this game and able finish this in a sort of hours with a guide of my friend for this was a really tough and mind boggling game.
ObsCure 2: The Aftermath is one of the game that I have personally played so I am confident to give you this walkthrough for you to be able to have a hints for the parts of the game that you find difficult. I will give you now the first 10 parts of the game. Unluckily, it is not able on blogger to upload file so I have to post this manually. Hope this first part of the walkthrough will help you for and as well as those who are currently playing Obscure the Aftermath.
Chapter 1 - Panic at the Brotherhood
== Outside the Brotherhood Building ==
Playable Characters: Kenny and Amy
Kenny and Amy will start right down the road from the Brotherhood building.
Fans of the first Obscure will remember Kenny from the first game.
Run up the road and try to enter the front doors of the Brotherhood building
for a bit of extra dialogue - the response differs depending on which character
you are controlling. Walk to the far left side of the building and move up the
steps then open the gate.
== Behind the Brotherhood Building ==
Find the --HOCKEY STICK-- by the door up ahead. Press the select button then
place it onto one of the four D-pad (Directional pad) directions displayed on
the menu to map it to that directional press. Press the D-pad in the
corresponding direction to quickly equip that item. This will become much more
useful once you get firearms and other types of weapons. Make sure to equip
the controlled characters with the hockey stick for now.
Find the crate in the dark corner further ahead - across from the locked gate.
Only Kenny can push/pull the crate so select him. Grab the crate by holding
the O button near it then slide it over toward the stack of logs across from it
then get on top of it and climb onto the roof while standing on the crate.
Follow the rooftop then move up the steps and open the window near the locked
door. A cutscene will trigger.
== Library ==
Pick up the --GOLF CLUB-- leaning up against the nearby bookcase. Give the
golf club to your secondary character. Walk in between the bookcases and face
the right bookcase for a "Give a boost" command. Kenny will give Amy a boost
up to a hidden object, so take the --SMALL KEY 1-- while Amy is hoisted up.
There are some chairs near a desk in this room that can be picked up by any
character using the "Seize" command while close to them - these are used for
extra damage against enemies. Seized items will respawn in each room after
exiting and entering it again.
Walk over to the desk with the lit lamp that is next to the chairs and examine
it to find some roughly scratched characters. Take control of Amy then examine
it and then press the O button to use the inspect command to get a code -
"1873". Open the door to the side.
== Hallway ==
A terrified girl will block a door at the end of the hall and mention a gun in
the billiards room down the hall. Follow the hall in front of her then turn at
the glass display and break the glass with one of your melee weapons by hitting
it. Pick up the --SMALL KEY 2-- from the broken glass display. A door near
the end is locked with a magnetic card reader next to it - this can be opened
much later. Walk to the last door on the left and equip a melee weapon then
hit the glass on the door. Now simply open the door like normal - you'll run
into these types of doors every now and then.
== Billiards Room ==
There is a safe on the left wall that requires a key code. Enter the key code
from earlier - "1873" - then the controlled character will automatically take
the --GUN--. Walk over to the dark murky looking plant on the wall to the
right of the wall safe then interact with it using the "Touch" command that
appears. Your characters will instantly be knocked out upon touching it.
These black plants are save points that will allow you to save your game. I
will refer to them as --SAVE FLOWERS-- from now on. Be forewarned that using
one will cause the plant to disappear, not allowing you to save again until
your characters run across another one. These plants are usually found right
before a big fight or important event so it is almost always best to go ahead
and save when you see one. Nothing can be done with the arcade cabinet in the
back of the billiards room even though it can be moved. Run back outside after
retrieving the gun and saving.
== Hallway ==
A big Berzerker will come toward the characters from the other end of the hall.
Equip the gun then shoot it - it takes quite a few shots with the gun so be
ready to reload. The characters will automatically reload the gun when trying
to fire without any loaded ammo or you can hold the L1 button then press the O
button to reload manually. Be sure to keep your distance from the creature and
fire quick. It will leave behind the ++KEY TO THE BROTHERHOOD SHELF++ so grab
it. There will be a beating heart left behind once the creature dissolves but
you can't do anything with these at the moment.
Stand in front of the door at the end of the hall where the girl previously was
and use the key on the door - stand in front of it then select the key by
holding the L2 button and cycling through your inventory then tap the X button
to use the key on the door.
== Front Lobby ==
Run down the steps to see a gruesome sight at the bottom. Pick up the --9MM
BULLETS-- on armrest of the nearby bench. Open the door near the dead body.
== Party Room ==
Two Lurkers will attack in this room. In order to save a bit of ammo, equip
melee weapons to both characters then run up to the Lurkers and knock them down
then hit them overhead while they are down. Break the glass on the shelf near
the door and take --SMALL KEY 3-- from inside. Pick up the --FIRST AID KIT--
on the other side of the room then walk over to the box with the glowing white
circular lights around it. A big Berzerker will bust through the wall and
attack eventually. Equip the gun and fire at it from a distance until it
falls. The glowing item boxes require three small keys to open, which you
should have if you have been following this guide.
Use the three small keys on this item box to gain the --STUN GUN--. This will
come in great handy for the rest of the game. Equip the stun gun to your
partner and they will zap and stun a medium size enemy so you can rush up to it
and beat it with your melee weapon. This will help to save a bunch of ammo
when used properly. It only comes with about 75% charge for the moment but
these type of items can be charged frequently. Past the wall that the creature
broke through is a recharger to the right of the door. Examine it then when
the "Recharge" command appears, hold the X button to charge the stun gun. Open
the door to the side.
== Kitchen ==
Pick up the --FIRST AID KIT-- on the shelf to the right. Examine the shredded
flower on the left counter and the body for some extra dialogue. Take control
of Amy then examine and inspect the chopped up photo on the side counter across
from the body.
Match the pieces up onto the black square - it's much like a small puzzle and
the pieces cannot be rotated so it is quite easy. Start from one side then
match up the middle pieces according to the side pieces. The game sort of
helps you out with aligning them. This will give you the correct positioning
for a puzzle in the Big Library. The map will be added to your inventory under
Return to the Front Lobby then follow the long hall to the right of the stairs.
Another Lurker will attack in the party room on the way back. Allow your
secondary character to stun it with the stun gun then run up to it and bash it
with a melee weapon - this method works quite well and saves a bunch of ammo
and healing items. Recharge the stun gun before leaving.
== Big Library ==
Spiders will attack as your characters move into the middle of the library.
Equip a melee weapon then squash them. If one happens to get on your
character's face then tap the X button to throw it off, if one gets on your
partner's face then hit your partner with a melee weapon. Always use melee
weapons for these enemies.
There are three bookcases in the middle of the library and each of the three
have a greek symbol at the top of them. Each bookcase can be moved along the
tracks in the room when you take control of Kenny. Slide each bookcase toward
the destination labeled below or just look at your map for reference.
| | | |
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O r
A staircase will fold out from the top floor after the bookcases have been
arranged correctly. Move up the staircase and open the door at the other end
of the walkway at the top.
== Outside Walkway ==
Open the set of double doors at the other for a cutscene that will end this
Chapter 2 - Where are Amy and Kenny?
== Outside the Brotherhood ==
Playable Characters: Corey and Mei
Let's not even get started about Corey and his damn car; you'll hear plenty
about that later. Walk up the path ahead then take the --BAT-- and the --
HOCKEY STICK-- from near the body. Equip one to your controlled character and
one to your secondary character. Find the --SAVE FLOWER-- against the side of
the brotherhood building and use it.
Take control of Mei and examine the keypad next to the front double doors of
the brotherhood building then press the O button to hack the keypad. These
keypads require you to enter the correct name of a famous person in order to
open the door. The letters are displayed in a circular set and the one in the
top middle will be the one chosen. Press the checkmark on the keypad to enter
each code once you are done selecting the letters. After entering a sequence
of letters, the green letters will be the correct letters in the correct spots
so they will remain but you will have to try again for the other letters. It's
all a matter of trial and error.
--> The code is: "MOZART"
Open the door to the front lobby after unlocking the doors.
== Front Lobby ==
A black mist will encase the double door entrance and seal both characters in.
Move up the stairs to the characters' right and open the door to reenter the
Hallway on the second floor.
== Hallway ==
Walk down the hall and approach the second door on the left with Mei. This is
another hacking puzzle like the last hacking puzzle, so choose to hack the
--> The code is "PICASSO"
Enter the room after unlocking the door.
== Storage Room ==
Pick up the --9MM BULLETS-- and the --FIRST AID KIT-- from the box on the far
side of the room. There is also a recharger against the left wall as the
characters enter the room. Exit the room and the Hallway then move back down
the stairs.
== Front Lobby ==
There is no reason to enter the party room, so run down the hall and enter the
Big Library.
== Big Library ==
The monsters have wrecked this area since Kenny and Amy were here. Walk over
to the section where the staircase folded down with Corey to get a "Jump"
command. Jump and grab onto the top floor then tap the O button to help Corey
pull himself up. Don't forget about Mei. Walk to the edge of the second floor
until the "Lift" command appears then press the O button and tap it to lift Mei
up to the second floor. A Lurker will appear right below Mei, so quickly lift
her. While the characters run to the other end of the walkway, the Lurker will
leap up onto the second floor, so ready a melee weapon then pound him as he
jumps over the railing. Open the door at the end of the walkway to continue.
== Outside Walkway ==
A creature will move by in the background but nothing will attack here, so just
open the double doors on the opposite side of the walkway.
== The Study ==
Walk over to the desk on the characters' right and pick up the --9MM BULLETS--.
While your characters move to the other end of the study, spiders will attack,
so bash them with your trusty hockey stick or bat. Open the door up ahead.
Chapter 3 - Reunion
Playable Characters: Kenny, Corey, Amy, Mei
== Outside Entrance ==
Move down the stairs for a cutscene.
Professor James will give your characters the ++SYRINGE++ after the cutscene.
With this syringe, you can now make use of the creature's hearts once they are
defeated. As you have probably noticed, each big creature will leave behind
its heart after it dissolves. Walk over the heart then press the X button to
use the syringe on the heart from now on. After the syringe has been filled up
to level 1, a --SERUM-- will automatically appear in your inventory. Serums
are much like first aid kits, so you will want to collect as much creature
blood as you can from the hearts of your victims.
You can now select from Kenny, Amy, Corey and Mei. All of your characters'
health gauges are still as they were when you last left them and they will
remain that way for the rest of the game, so heal if you need to. The gauges
never recover on their own. Save your game at the --SAVE FLOWER-- on wall to
the left of the big door. By the way, that big door will not be opened until
much later in the game.
Make sure that Kenny and Corey are in your party for the portion coming up.
Move up the opposite set of stairs next to the doctor then use Kenny to grab
the pot and pull it out of the way of the path up ahead. Open the door up
== Auditorium ==
Pick up the --FIRST AID KIT-- on the small shelf by the table. There is a
metal box below that is surrounded by black aura. With Corey, "Use" the nearby
spotlight on the current floor then switch to Kenny while Corey is controlling
the spotlight. Arm Kenny with the stun gun and normal gun then move down the
stacked items to get to the first floor from the side without railing and then
walk over to the metal box covered in black mist. Switch back to Corey then
hold down on the X button to shine a bright light on the black aura and make it
disappear for a few seconds. Quickly switch back to Kenny then slide the metal
box away from the area where the black aura appears.
Three Lurkers will appear when Kenny has moved the metal box just a little ways
from the black aura so quickly run behind the box then switch back to Corey.
With Corey, focus the light on the Lurkers (press X) in order to drive them
away from Kenny and slightly damage them in the process. Kenny will fight them
off with the stun gun and the normal gun from below while Corey shines the
light. If you want, you might want to drive the Lurkers away with the
spotlight then quickly hop down to the first floor with Corey and arm him with
the stun gun so he can stun the Lurkers while Kenny beats them with a melee
weapon - your call. Make sure to stand over the hearts of the Lurkers once
they dissolve and gather their blood by using the syringe on them - just watch
for the use command while standing over the heart then tap X.
After the battle, slide the metal box all the way over to the area in front of
the bar. There is another black aura blocking the exit door at this point.
Take control of Corey then move down to the bottom floor. Get up on the metal
box that Kenny placed in front of the bar and jump to the bar roof. Take
control of the spotlight with Corey then focus light on the door with the black
aura below to get rid of it eventually. Once the black aura is gone, climb
back down to the first floor then open the door that the black aura once
Chapter 4 - Finally Outside
Playable Characters: Kenny and Corey
* Don't heal Kenny anymore from this point forward.
== Patio ==
Collect the --9MM BULLETS-- from the nearby table then save your game at the --
SAVE FLOWER-- on the wall to the side of the door that the characters just
exited from. Step through the gate door after saving.
== Behind the Brotherhood Building ==
Turn left then run down that path and open the gate door at the end for a
== Forest Entrance ==
Playable Characters: Corey and Amy
Good god this part can get annoying. Corey will whine about his car throughout
this entire area, so mute your TV and put on some nice Silent Hill music if you
can't take the constant complaining like your guide author here.
Follow the trail through the woods ahead and step out onto the road. Move past
the broken crash barrier and follow the next trail into the woods on the other
side. A creature will begin to yell then a Berzerker will step out from the
path up ahead. Arm the handgun and shoot the creature from a distance.
It's easy to get lost in this part. Run down the path directly ahead (across
from the path where you entered this forest) then look off to the right and
collect the --ENERGY DRINK--. Go back to the open area in the woods and make a
left. Two Lurkers will attack. You'll eventually stumble across some tire
tracks in the dirt that will let you know that your characters are headed the
right way. Your characters will move past a broken fence eventually and the
camera angle will change.
== Deeper in the Woods ==
Move forward and prepare for some more whining from Corey. Follow the path to
the left after the cutscene then take out your handgun and shoot at the Lurker
and Berzerker that will appear down the path. You'll probably start to run low
on ammo, but don't worry - you're about to get another gun. Follow the path
and use the battery recharger off to the right before the path splits.
The left path is blocked by a fallen tree so run down the right path. Pick up
the ++CHAINSAW++ on one of the logs at the end of the path. Run back to the
fallen tree down the left path. Make sure that the battery is fully charged by
charging at the recharger then equip the chainsaw and hold L1 near the log then
hold R1 to saw through the log. Run back to the recharger and charge the
battery back up. Both the stun gun and the chainsaw run on the same battery.
Step past the cut log then take control of Amy and inspect the newspaper off to
the left further down the path for some extra details about a mysterious man
that has been found in this very forest! Continue on ahead then grab the --
FIRST AID KIT-- off to the left and step across the bridge. The camera will
show a shotgun right next to a fallen Berzerker and Corey's wrecked car.
Make sure that your secondary character is equipped with a stun gun or handgun
then run and collect the ++SHOTGUN++. Equip the shotgun as the Berzerker gets
up and blast him as your other character shoots or stuns him. Another
Berzerker will quickly enter the area from the other side so blast him right
after the first Berzerker. There is a steel set of double doors on the damaged
wall across from the car but they are locked, so run to the right side of them
and go through the crack in the wall using the command that appears.
== Path behind the Steel Door ==
Find the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the left wall down the path directly in front of
the steel doors and save your game. The save flower is a little hidden by the
camera angle but look for the dark flowers along the path then turn to the
Chapter 5 - Corey's Car
Keep moving down the path until a cutscene plays. Directly after the cutscene,
three Flyers will attack. These enemies can be extremely aggressive and hard
to hit. The best way to deal with them is to equip your secondary character
with a stun gun so that character will stun them and bring them to the ground.
Run over to the grounded Flyer then beat it with a melee weapon while it is
grounded. Swinging at them while they are flying sometimes works but using the
stun gun is the safest way really.
Continue down the path ahead and keep moving straight. There are a few turns
to the left but they don't lead to anything special. There will be a path off
to the right, but if you don't have about a half charged battery it will do you
no good since there is a fallen tree at the other end. Follow the straight
path then take out a melee weapon and smack the spiders that attack near the
end. Before reaching the end, look off to the right to see a battery
recharger. Recharge the battery.
The path will lead to a dead end, so run back to where you came from. Four
Flyers will attack so take out the stun gun and melee weapons to deal with
them. Run back and recharge if you have to. Take the left path that you
didn't take earlier and use the chainsaw to cut through the fallen tree at that
end. Step through the broken brick wall past the tree.
== Hospital Courtyard ==
Both of the doors in this area are locked. Switch to Corey then run over to
the door in front of the ambulance with the shining lights to get a jump
command. Jump and grab onto the ledge up above then shimmy to the right and
pull up when the command appears. Get on top of the raised area to the right
then jump and grab onto the next ledge up above that raised area. Shimmy to
the right once again.
Flyers will begin to attack while Corey shimmies to the right and Corey will
fall and grab onto the next lowest ledge. Keep moving to the right without
stopping then pull up to the roof when prompted. Fight off the Flyers with a
handgun or a melee weapon. Heal if necessary. The way into the hospital is
through the nearby window but you first have to help Amy up to the roof. Drop
into the hole on the side of the roof then unlock the door in the small room to
let Amy in. Climb back up with Corey then take control of Amy and step onto
the box then switch back to Corey to get a "Lift" command while standing above
her. Lift her up then step through the window of the hospital for a cutscene.
Chapter 6 - Looking for Jun
== In Front of the Dorm ==
Playable Characters: Sven and Mei
Nothing will attack on the outside portion of the dorm. Find the --SAVE
FLOWER-- to the left of the double doors entrance to the dorm and save your
Jun will be contacting the group constantly throughout this portion. The
magnetic lock switch on the left side of the double doors will not work and the
double doors are locked so run to the right of the dorm entrance and find the
closed gate down the far right path. Pull the switch on the right wall (tap X
after grabbing it) to open the gate.
Move into the area on the other side and the gate will shut behind the
characters. Run past the pillars on the right side and move down the ramp.
Jun will contact the characters at this time and mention that the monsters are
trying to get into the room that she locked herself into. A life bar for Jun
will appear at the top of the screen and this bar will decrease as time goes
by. If both characters get to her before her life decreases all the way then
both characters will get to go to some extra areas and gain an extra spiked
club item, if not, then the extra areas will be skipped as the game switches
back to Corey and Amy.
Find the raised area with the large crate on top then take control of Sven and
climb up to the left side of the raised area. Push the crate to the right with
Sven then climb on top of it. Turn around while on the crate then climb on top
of the roof. Take out a melee weapon while next to the window then break the
window with a swing and then climb inside.
== Front Lobby ==
There is battery charger to the left of the window that the characters climb
through so make sure to charge your battery since you'll need the stun gun in
just a bit. Take the --9MM BULLETS-- from the desk then walk through the door
to exit the office.
Four Flyers will attack as your characters enter the area with the stairs to
the side. Fight them off with the stun gun and melee weapons (have the
secondary character equipped with the stun gun). Find the lit up soda machine
off to the side and walk up to it then break it by swinging at it with a melee
weapon. Collect the --ENERGY DRINK-- from inside the soda machine. Run up the
stairs in the lobby since the doors on the first floor are locked.
Take control of Mei then examine the keypad to the side of the door at the top
then hack it.
--> The correct code is: "FREUD"
As soon as Mei tries to hack the keypad, more Flyers will show up down the
stairs, so run back down them or wait for them then fight them off like before.
If you're fast enough then you won't even have to worry about the Flyers - just
exit the area. Open the door once the code is entered.
== Staircase ==
Take the --9MM BULLETS-- from the nearby box then move down the hall. Move up
the first set of stairs then take control of Sven and move the soda machine
that blocks the door to the right then open the door. The doors up the stairs
are all locked.
== Girls Wing ==
Run straight ahead and break the soda machine then take the --ENERGY DRINK--
from inside. You can enter the restroom down the left hall (after returning)
to find a very gruesome sight on the sink inside. Otherwise, enter the hall
with the room at the end with the light and then open the double doors off to
the left at the end of that hall.
== Girls Wing 2 ==
A Berzerker will be down the nearby hall so equip the gun and shoot at him.
The Berzerker will be holding Jun and will toss her ass out the nearest window
as you shoot him. Blast at him and Jun will mention that she has run down to
the cellar as soon as the characters kill the Berzerker.
Then Jun will already be dead, so don't enter the hall where the Berzerker came
from just yet or a cutscene will activate and you won't be able to get the rest
of the items.
Either way, bust the soda machine down the hall straight ahead and collect the
--ENERGY DRINK-- from inside. Enter Room 117 by the soda machine.
Chapter 7 - In Jun's Room
== Room 117 ==
Use the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the closet door then exit the room. The rest of the
tasks below can only be performed if you saved Jun, otherwise, skip to the next
section with Corey and Amy.
== Girls Wing 2 ==
Return to the Front Lobby.
== Front Lobby ==
Move down the stairs and examine the security controls to the side of the door
behind the main counter (near the soda machine). Sven and Mei will watch
through the camera and control of Jun will be given to the player.
== Cellar ==
For each camera angle that switches while in control of Jun, you will need to
rotate the right analog to adjust the screen so that it doesn't flicker. It is
best to run from every enemy that Jun runs across.
With Jun, run toward the camera to enter a hall. Grab the --SPIKED CLUB-- from
near the wall. Open the door at the end of the hall.
A Berzerker will appear to the right of Jun as she steps into this new hall, so
quickly run to her left then run toward the camera and move toward the fence
down the hall. Swing the spiked club at the boards on the gate to break them
then quickly step through the opening. The Berzerker will not follow. Open
the door to the left past the gate.
A Flyer will attack. It's really best not to fight the Flyer since if moves
away from Jun quite a bit while attacking. Run down the hall to Jun's left
then open the door on the far right end.
Move ahead then break through the boards on the gate walls then open the door
directly ahead.
Step into the hall directly ahead then turn right and open the second door on
the left side.
== Cellar Entrance ==
Now the view will change back to a colored full camera and you will be in
control of Jun from a normal viewpoint. Run straight ahead and open the door.
Open the first door to the right in the next area.
Use the switch down the hall up ahead for a cutscene.
== Front Lobby ==
The game will switch back to Sven and Mei. Open the door behind the counter.
== Cellar ==
Run down the stairs and open the door.
Take the --SPIKED CLUB-- that lies near the left wall then defeat the Lurker
that attacks. Run down the hall directly ahead to find a blood trail in front
of the door at the end. Find the chained crates to the right of the door with
the blood trail then push them with Sven.
A Lurker will bust through a door behind the crates so defeat him. Open the
door down the hall to the right.
Move down the hall to the left up ahead for a cutscene.
Chapter 8 - Mourning in the Hospital
== Second Floor Hallway ==
Playable Characters: Corey and Amy
Touch the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the left wall to save your game. Break the glass
on the first door on the characters' left then open it.
== X-ray Room ==
A cutscene will activate upon entering this room. Walk over to the computer
that is still on and interact with it to open the lock on the nearby lab. Two
Flyers will attack and a Lurker will bust through the wall in the back of the
X-ray room. Fight off all the enemies with the stun gun and a melee weapon or
Enter the lab and collect ++HERBERT WEST'S MAGNETIC PASS++ from the table
inside. Leave the lab and walk through the broken wall on the other side of
the room then grab --SMALL KEY 1-- from the table inside. Leave the room.
== Second Floor Hallway ==
The door to the right side up ahead requires the correct code to be entered on
the keypad. Run through the sliding door on the left side of the hall.
== Locker Room ==
The glowing item box that requires three small keys is in this room, but you
will only have two keys by the time you exit the room, so you'll have to
backtrack once you get the third key. Take the --GENERIC REPORT-- file from
the row of lockers then use the "Give a boost" command while standing near the
lockers and collect --SMALL KEY 2--. Take control of Amy and inspect the torn
paper on the small table on the other side of the room.
Right after inspecting the paper, Spiders will enter the room and attack so
quickly cancel the puzzle and smash them. Inspect the paper again and piece
the puzzle together to get the --HOSPITAL FLOOR PLAN--. Examine the paper to
see the following numbers on it: "0108". Leave the room.
== Second Floor Hallway ==
Examine the keypad near the double doors across from the sliding door and enter
the code from the floor plan document: "0108". The door will unlock once the
code has been entered so open it.
== Flickering Hallway ==
Walk directly ahead and collect the --SHOTGUN AMMUNTION-- from the shelf
against the wall. Take the --GENERIC REPORT-- from the small table while
walking against the camera. Keep walking against the camera and two Lurkers
will attack - one from behind the characters and other from in front. Have one
character stun one while the others hits it with a melee weapon. There is a
battery charger on the left wall at the end of the hall. Run back toward the
lit up section of the hall after charging the battery then open the first door
on the left (once the camera changes).
== Patient Room ==
Walk over to the right side of the bed and move against it to have your
character push it slightly out of the way to reveal --SMALL KEY 3-- on the
floor below it. Leave the room.
== Flickering Hallway ==
Run back to the Locker Room and place all three small keys on the glowing item
box inside to get the ++CROSSBOW++. Run back to the Flickering Hallway and
enter the corridor with the light. The door against the far wall up ahead
requires two keycards, of which you should have one from the X-ray room. Open
the door on the right.
== Patient Room 2 ==
The guy on the bed flatlines as the characters enter the room. Bust the window
on the wall to the left of the bed with a melee weapon then climb through it.
== Alley ==
Some whimpering can be heard out here. There is no need to move down the
nearby ladder just yet. With Corey, stand near the wall to the left of the
window to get a "Jump" command. Jump to grab the ledge. Shimmy to the right
then use the "Jump sideways" command to jump to the next ledge to the right.
Keep using the "Jump sideways" command while climbing until Corey climbs across
the metal beam and above the catwalk of the building further ahead.
Let go of the metal beam then turn the valve handle near the window to raise
the trapdoor of the staircase on the catwalk. Take control of Amy and move
down the ladder then run up the stairs and stand below the opening in the top
catwalk. Take control of Corey then use the "Lift" command to pull up Amy.
Move through the window at the top of the catwalk.
== Patient Experiment Room ==
Lucky you, the whimpering noises just happen to be coming from this room. A
Licker Spider and several small Spiders will attack from the left side of the
room, so arm one character (your partner) with a melee weapon then arm the
other with the Shotgun. With your controlled character, focus the shotgun fire
on the Licker Spider and mash the X button if its tongue catches your
After the battle, walk to the other side of the covered bed then take ++WILLIAM
KLINGEMANN'S MAGNETIC PASS++ from the bed on the other side. Use the --SAVE
FLOWER-- on the nearby wall. Exit the room by stepping through the door by the
Chapter 9 - Patients' Room
Exit the room by opening the double doors next to the bed.
== Flickering Hallway ==
The characters will step back out to the Flickering Hallway from earlier. Run
into the lit corridor then approach the metal door at the far end of the hall.
Hold L2 while standing next to each of the card readers then press X after
selecting a magnetic pass to use one magnetic pass on one of the card readers
and the other magnetic pass on the other card reader. This can be done with
one character since it will give you plenty of time to swipe both. A cutscene
will occur once the characters enter the room beyond the sliding door.
The characters will run down the corridor directly after the cutscene. They
will stop at the end of the corridor once they are inside the elevator. This
part is timed so you have to perform the rest of this quickly.
Examine the elevator control panel on the left side of the elevator. Use the
left analog to select each knob that appears in the lower right hand corner of
the screen then tap the X button to rotate each knob. The colors must all
match up with the color of the knob next to each one.
Position them as follows:
White Black
Red - Green Green - Red
Red Yellow
Red Yellow
White - Green Green - Red
Yellow White
Once the knobs have been arranged properly, a cutscene will play.
== Outside the Hospital ==
Playable Characters: Sven and Mei
After the characters move around a bit, a group of Flyers will attack so use
the stun gun and a melee weapon to finish them off. Walk through the first set
of doors of the hospital and use a melee weapon to break the glass on the right
wall then take control of Sven and rotate the valve handle counterclockwise to
open the doors behind the characters and make the gate to the hospital behind
them shut. A Berzerker will move toward the gate as it lowers and try to lift
it back up but just keep rotating the valve handle and he will give up and walk
Charge your battery at the battery charger near the telephones. Run down the
hall then open the double doors at the end.
== Reception ==
A cutscene will play upon stepping into this room. Looks like the gangs all
back together again, well minus a few. Speak with Professor James and he will
hand over a ++BATTERY UPGRADE++ that will extend the battery gauge. Pick up
the --SHOTGUN AMMUNITION-- from the reception area. The glowing item box to
the side requires three small keys just like all the rest, so we'll have to
search for them in the hospital. Break the soda machine at the other end of
the room then take the --ENERGY DRINK-- from inside. You need Sven and Mei for
this area. Open the door on the right side of the back of the room.
== Security Room ==
Have one character equipped with the stun gun and your main characters equipped
with the shotgun since two Lurkers and a Spider will pounce on your characters
as soon as you enter. Blast the Lurkers with the shotgun then switch to a
melee weapon once there is only one left.
Walk over to the opposite side of the room and take control of Mei then hack
the computer on the desk.
The code is: EINSTEIN
After hacking the computer, take the ++RECIPE FOR EXPLOSIVE++. This info will
help with a few puzzles in this Hospital area.
Check around the side of the last shelf in the back of the room to find --SMALL
KEY 1-- on a small table behind it. Walk over to the shelf with glass across
from where you got the key and examine the keypad on the right side of it.
The code for this keypad is on the Recipe for Explosive file. It is: "1634".
Enter the code then collect the ++ASCORBIC ACID++ from the shelf. Leave the
== Reception ==
Take control of Sven and move the cabinet that is blocking the door to the
side. Open the door.
== Damaged Hall ==
Open the set of double doors across from the characters.
== Morgue ==
Take out a melee weapon and smash the spiders after entering this room. Run to
the characters' left and take --SMALL KEY 2-- from the table to the side. Take
the --AUTOPSY REPORT-- from the shelf on the right side of the room and be sure
to grab the ++GLYCERINE++ from the left shelf before entering the area with the
small room in the back.
Walk into the small room. More Spiders will eventually attack. Bust the glass
on the small container on the shelf and take the ++BLOCK OF ICE++. Exit this
room by stepping back out into the hall.
Walk down the hall until you reach the debris hanging from the ceiling then
turn to the right and step against the window for a "Step Over" command. Step
into the room behind the window.
Chapter 10 - The Hospital Laboratory
== Hospital Laboratory ==
Walk to the immediate left then take --SMALL KEY 3-- from the sink at that end.
There is a save flower in here, but perform the item collecting and puzzle
solving first.
Run toward the back and take the --GENERIC REPORT-- and other --GENERIC REPORT-
- from the desk off to the left. Pick up the ++CAUSTIC SODA++ from the far
shelf. Circle around the left corner and take the --FIRST AID KIT-- from a
shelf up ahead then run down the corridor to the left and pick up the --AMMO
FOR FLASHBALL--. At the very end of the other side of the room, break the
glass of the set of shelves then grab the ++BLEACH++.
Now you should have all the items needed to make the Explosive mixture -
Ascorbic Acid, Glycerine, Block of Ice, Caustic Soda and Bleach. Run back over
to the lit up shelf then examine the shelf when the "Use" command appears.
Place the items in the mixer in the following order as listed in the Recipe for
Bleach - Ascorbic Acid - Block of Ice - Glycerine - Caustic Soda
The characters will collect the ++DYNAMITE++ after mixing the materials
properly. Now run toward the --SAVE FLOWER-- on the side of the room and save
your game. Kenny can be heard in the background as he continues to search for
Shannon shortly after the mixture is made. Leave the room by stepping back
through the window and return to the reception.
== Reception ==
Use the three small keys on the glowing item box to get the ++FLASHBALL++.
This weapon will stun an enemy instantly. Arm the Dynamite then find the weak
wall down the hallway to the left of Professor James. The wall is the only
portion that is bricked with minimal painting. Stand at the other end of the
hall away from the weak wall then hold L1 with the Dynamite equipped and tap
the R1 button to throw the Dynamite at the wall. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR SECONDARY
CHARACTER IS BEHIND YOU or the explosion may cause damage to him/her.
The dynamite will explode and destroy the bricked portion of the wall if tossed
correctly. Make sure to switch to Corey and Sven before stepping through.
Enter the room behind the wall via the newly made hole in the wall.
== Storage Area ==
Move down the stairs and drop below then move through the path to the right and
then make a left followed by another left and pick up the --ENERGY DRINK-- near
the small crates.
There is an item up on a high shelf that can only be reached through a little
bit of teamwork between Sven and Corey. Take control of Sven and find the
stack of crates up under the staircase at the beginning of this room. Seize
them then pull them out a little ways but leave them next to the side of the
staircase without railing. Take control of Corey and get back on top of the
staircase then drop down on top of the stack of crates by stepping off the top
of the stairs without railing. Take control of Sven once again then seize the
stack of crates with Corey on top and push them all the way toward the shelf
directly in front of Corey.
Take control of Corey then use the "Jump" command while standing next to the
shelf to jump and grab on then shimmy to the right and "Jump sideways" toward
the shelf to the right. Climb all the way to the right of the second shelf
then choose to "Drop down" and Corey will let go and grab onto the shelf
underneath. Shimmy to the right until you get a "Jump sideways" command then
jump to the shelf on Corey's right. Shimmy to the right then pull up and use
the switch on the right wall to lower the ladder to the right. Get on top of
the nearby taller shelf then collect the --SHOTGUN AMMUNITION--.
Get on top of the next tallest shelf with Corey. Take control of Sven once
again and find the other stack of crates on the opposite side of the room then
push them toward the shelf that Corey is on and position them right up against
the left wall by the shelf. Take control of Corey and drop down on top of the
stack of crates. With Sven, pull the crates all the way over to the opposite
side of the room and position them next to the tall shelf on that side.
Take control of Corey once again then step onto the shelf on his left. You'll
find a save flower but it can't be used just yet. Run past the door then use
the elevator control pad to bring the elevator down just a bit. Switch to Sven
then run over to the elevator and face it then take control of Corey to get a
"Lift" command. Lift Sven up then step back onto the top of the nearby shelf.
You'll have to manually make Sven step up on the shelf as well.
Now that both characters are on top of the shelf, use the --SAVE FLOWER-- to
save your game.
Please return to Cheats S30SCI Movie regarding the other parts of the Walkthrough of the game Obscure 2: The Aftermath.
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